Certified Used Cars in Bangalore | Second Hand Cars for Sale Bangalore – Gigacar

Certified Used Cars in Bangalore | Second Hand Cars for Sale Bangalore – Gigacar

₹ 400000Year 2016     |     35645 Kms Driven
Bangalore, Karnataka1160 days
ModelGrand i10
Kms Driven35645
Fuel TypePetrol

If you are looking to buy a second hand car in Bangalore, please visit giga cars. We have a wide range of used cars like sedans and hatchbacks. maruti suzuki, hyundai, honda and other brands are also available in different color variants. Just Give Us Call ! Why Giga Cars: Choosing us will save you time and effort because if you sell your car yourself, we will do everything you need to do! Therefore, by using our Park & Sell facility, sellers usually get 10-15% higher prices in 15 days than they sell on some regular channels. Now you have the opportunity to sell car online in Bangalore. Together you will select three cars by side-by-side comparison so that you can find the right one. Let us help you sell & buy your car! Just visit or give a call ! Visit us: https://gigacars.com/